
优美文案1年前 (2023)发布 niuBig
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In the past academic semester, I have had the privilege of teaching English to a diverse group of students. Overall, it has been a rewarding experience, and I have learned a lot about teaching along the way. In this summary, I would like to reflect on what went well, what didn't go so well and my plans for improvement in the future.www.J458.CoM

What went well:

Overall, my students made great progress in their English language proficiency. I think one of the main factors contributing to this was the interactive approach that I took in class. I encouraged students to speak as much English as possible, and I provided them with many opportunities to do so. This included group discussions, role-playing, and games, among other things. Because of this approach, I noticed that even the more shy students began to feel more confident and comfortable speaking in English.

Another thing that went well was my use of technology in the classroom. I regularly used video and audio resources to supplement the textbook materials. I also used online platforms to distribute class assignments, quizzes, and other materials. This worked well because it made it more convenient for students to access these resources, and it made it easier for me to grade and provide feedback.

What didn't go so well:

One area where I think I could improve is my pacing. At times, I found myself rushing through materials in order to cover everything I wanted to cover in a given class period. This sometimes led to students feeling overwhelmed and not having enough time to absorb the material. Going forward, I plan to slow down a bit and focus on quality over quantity.

Another area where I struggled was in dealing with disruptive students. While I have worked hard to create a positive and engaging classroom environment, there were still a few students who regularly disrupted class. I found it challenging to manage these situations without disrupting the overall atmosphere of the classroom. In the future, I plan to be more proactive in dealing with these situations, such as by setting clear expectations at the beginning of the semester and following through with consequences for disruptive behavior.

Plans for the future:

As I look ahead to the next academic semester, there are several areas where I plan to focus on improving my teaching. One of these is differentiation. I want to find ways to better meet the needs of students with different levels of English proficiency, learning styles, and interests. To do this, I plan to incorporate more differentiated activities into my lessons and to provide more individualized feedback to students.

Another area where I plan to improve is in providing more opportunities for student feedback. While I did provide some feedback surveys throughout the semester, I think there is room for improvement in this area. I want to find ways to solicit more frequent and meaningful feedback from my students so that I can make adjustments to my teaching as needed.

Overall, I am proud of the work that my students and I accomplished this semester, and I am excited to continue to grow as an English teacher in the future. Through reflection and commitment to improvement, I believe that I can help my students to develop their English proficiency and achieve their goals.

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